On behalf of myself, the Board and everyone that is part of the Bay Street Children’s Foundation family (BSCF), I would like to thank you for participating and making our 2017 softball tournament a great success.
Goldman and ITG ringers made the Semi Finals this year and both put up valiant fight after a long day of softball but once again the Championship Game was a battle between Scotia and GMP. GMP took the Winner’s Crown closing out the final game with great-spirit in extra innings. All four teams played very well and deserve a round of applause.
As far as the weekend overall, the Friday night party at the Bottom Line was a greatly enjoyed by the hundred plus people in attendance. We had the pleasure of hearing from speakers representing our two focus Charities- Rebecca on behalf of the Holland Bloorview and Jessica from the Children’s Aid foundation.
We are so pleased that we are able to help these very worthy causes!
A Big thank you to our silent and live auction winners as well as our sports raffle winner. We appreciate you all for contributing and of course that same thanks to the gracious sponsors who donated the prizes.
In 21 years of hosting this event, we have donated over 3.5 million dollars to children’s charities. I personally appreciate all of you for your help in this mission …this really is a community event, and we are very pleased to have your continued generous support.